Thursday, 1 February 2007

Ashwell, Liverpool & Australia Day!

Pete and I decided that we’d go to the Ashwell house for a few nights while we waited for confirmation that our bank accounts were opened successfully. While we were in Ashwell it snowed overnight and we woke in the morning to see the streets covered in a thick blanket of white. Quite a pretty sight and one that I didn’t think I’d get to see.
Two days later we got the call and it was time to book a coach to Liverpool and begin our quest for work and a suitable place to live for a few months. An early wakeup and a two-mile trek with our packs and we were back on a train to London. I got away with a free trip by using an old ticket but Pete got pinned and had to pay the fare, and for those of you who know him and how much of a tight-ass he is, you can imagine how long he moaned about it for…

After an uncomfortable 6 hour coach trip from London to Liverpool, I was very glad that we’d arrived. I had just sat next to a large, putrid woman with excessively bad BO for 6 hours that for once in my life made me wish I had a blocked nose. We booked into a hostel and applied for a few jobs over the internet. One of which was advertised as being for a variety of hotel based positions like bar staff, cleaners, porters, reception etc. After receiving a reply email a few hours later offering an interview to both Pete and myself we had high hopes.

On interview day we were told that we were being interviewed for a management position within a worldwide marketing company that is expanding within the UK. So we went along with it and answered the questions they threw at us and later that day was to receive a call to accept or deny us to the next stage of recruitment. We got the call, and were both accepted the round 2. At this stage I was becoming very skeptical about the whole thing and wondered if the whole thing was just some sort of hoax.

Today was Australia Day, and of course after a hard day we deserved to party, hard! I donned my Aussie gear; singlet, boardies, fosters hat, aussie tattoos, flip flops, & the flag and we headed out to the Walkabout to celebrate. It was the 1st Australia Day away from home and the boys but it delivered a very Aussie day and one to remember! The morning came and we had aching heads and another successful Australia Day had passed us by.
Stage 2 of the recruitment process for this company and within 15mins of the day beginning I knew it was not what we wanted. They said take this big bag and go with our salesman and try and sell as much as you can. Haha, the guy basically bent over and said remove some fresh shit from my ass and go sell it for me! We finished off the day and were offered the job, never to return…

The next day we booked a bus back to London as we were sick of messing around in Liverpool trying to find work and a place to stay. Not to say Liverpool was bad, we had a great time there but we are here to work and that’s what we need to do. After an odorless bus ride back to London we stayed in a 5pound a night hostel which was by far the worst place I’ve stayed yet but was cheap and it was a bed.

Today we spent 4 hours on the internet sending off resumes to heaps of recruitment agencies in London and we’re going to look at a shared house later tonight with a bunch of Kiwi blokes. So hopefully over the next week we can get settled in and start earning some mullah!

I’ll keep you all updated…


macca said...

I'm surprised you didn't take over the marketing business, or at least benefit slightly out of your position... Hope all goes well with the shared housing and job hunting.

Anonymous said...

i can only imagine how much pete whinged about having to pay for the train...
and i don't know what would have been worse for you, sitting next to the BO woman, or sitting next to pete. at least with the woman you know what you're smelling, with pete it could be one or a number of foul smelling scents which come with not washing for weeks at a time.

Anonymous said...

i thought the bad smellign lady was code for " you were sitting next to pete" hahahah coz we all know that peter is a a smelly old man sometimes, espcially after his runs ahha

keep up the work, bruni says hello and so does brett(security on the door)