Friday, 13 July 2007

Bordeaux, Biarritz - France

Ok, so after leaving Libourne we (Josh, Pete, Will & Myself) spent the day in Bordeaux. We didnt really get up to much, just the usual walk around and checkout the sites. Then, again, it was back to the station to jump on yet another train, to Biarritz.

The train ride was only 2hours and was made alot quicker by the fact that we had a case of beer between us and a few American women to talk to. Again, we had no accomodation booked for the night, just our tents and sleeping bags. We arrived sometime in the evening, around 9ish I think, and jumped on the bus to the city/beach where we were planning on crashing for the night.

After reaching the beach we realised that it probably wasnt the best place to pitch the tent for the night. It was still busy and very windy and cold... So we thought that sleeping in our sleeping bags on a small piece of grass in the middle of town was a good idea, not really, it was bloody freezing... Our bodies told us we needed warmth so we decided that we'd try and just get through the night with the tents up on the beach so off we went and set them up, 30 mins later we were sound asleep, and 4hrs later the police were banging on the tents... No trouble tho, just packed up and away we went, this time to the caravan park.

The caravan park was so much more relaxing and at least we had showers! After a few days of dirt I bet you can imagine what the 4 of us smelt like. The day was filled with beach, pool, shower, beer, and food and more beer. All in all a great day.

The morning came and it was again time to pack up and head to the station, this time, destination Pamplona, Spain for San Fermin (Running of the Bulls). One of my most anticipated places on my trip...

Will write about that next time...

Until then, a side note...

The general perception of the French. From almost all the people I have spoken with, they have all told me that the French people are just arrogant and very stubborn people. I didn't find that at all, actually, from my travels I could amost say that the French people (the ones I've met) have been some of the nicest people I've come across... Just my experience tho I guess...

See you again soon!


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